CULTISTS ...they serve dark gods

F: Bad (04)
A: Bad (04)
S: Decent (10)
E: Average (06)
R: Bad (04)
I: Average (06)
P: Average (06)

Health: 24
Karma: 16
Resources: Average (06)
Popularity: -5 if identified as Cultist, otherwise 0

Talents / Specialities:
Religion (The Cult beliefs), Parapsychology, Lying, Wrestling, Trivia Expert: Cults and Culting

Cultists are "normal" humans with no superpowers. They are given robes which offer Bad protection from physical damage, and some sort of weapon or improvised weapon which is of Average material strength and does Bad damage in combat.

The Cult Leader;
The leader of their team within the Cult;
Henchmen in other Cults.


  • NOTORIOUS: when identified, this character or its behavior or associations is of such bad reputation that the character will immediately be subjected to suspicion and hostility usually only reserved for supervillains.

  • Notes:

    Cultists are the local street level crooks of their Cult. The country is full of hooded nutjobs working towards their obscure goals. Hilariously, they all shop at the same handful of occult and magic shops so they actually have quite good Contacts amongst themselves.

    All of them talk big about killing heavy hitter magical superheroes but the truth is a determined normal person armed with a stick could fend off quite a few of them with a bit of luck. That’s why successful Cults have SWARMS of Cultists who they unleash to drown any heroes in a sea of violence whilst the leadership makes its escape.

    Cults are also so large and common that they frequently form alliances or links to other evil organizations. This confuses heroes and law enforcement because it becomes difficult to tell if the plot being uncovered is a supernatural scheme using crime as a cover or a conventional crime using supernatural trappings as a diversion. Sometimes even the cultists and criminals themselves don’t know.

    Linkages that are one way are unreciprocated; this means that the Cult that is linked as an offshoot or helper organization contributes to the other Cult but receives nothing whatsoever in return.

    Cults frequently get defeated, their leaders murdered and their membership smashed to fragments. Despite this, they always reform, sometimes resurrecting their deceased Cult leader. Sometimes this resurrection becomes the new immediate goal of the reformed version of a Cult.

    For information on the sort of Powers Cults can bring to bear, consult the Magic article on this website.