PRINCESS PANTHA Ringmaster of the Wild Kingdom!
F: World Class (30)
A: Great (20)
S: Great (22)
E: World Class (30)
R: Average (06)
I: Great (20)
P: World Class (30)
Health: 102
Karma: 56
Wealth: Average (06)
Popularity: 0
Talents / Specialities:
Circus Performance, Public Speaking, Business Management, Animal Handling, Animal Training, Grappling, Running, Swimming, Climbing, Breakout, Evasion, Stun, Slam
Princess Pantha is a skilled animal trainer who usually lives and works in Africa or tours the world with her own burlesque circus featuring "wild" animal acts. She has a hypnotic ability when interacting with Animals and Creatures.
Dane Hunter, an American author who visits her in Africa from time to time or accompanies her on animal trapping expeditions or other adventures.