BETTIE PAGE Bettie Mae Page

Bettie's life spiraled out of control when a shadowy government organization used her to spy on a rogue Russian general. Using his infatuation as leverage, Bettie uncovered a plot by Colonel Vetrov to conquer the United States. Vetrov was experimenting on both herself, and women culled from the streets of Russia, with alien technology. More adventures would follow – each more daring and unusual than the last.

F: Average (06)
A: Decent (10)
S: Average (06)
E: Decent (10)
R: Decent (10)
I: Average (06)
P: Average (06)

Health: 32
Karma: 22
Resources: Average
Reputation: 10

Talents / Specialities:
Glamor Modeling, Drive Car, Ride Horse, Grappling, Business Administration, Photography


  • Bettie Page is an extraordinary woman but an ordinary non-powered human.
  • Contacts:
    Her fans worldwide.


    Real Name: Bettie Mae Page
    Height: 5’ 5”
    Weight: 128 lbs.
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Blue

    Foes: Colonel Vetrov

    FANTASY WORLD OF BETTIE PAGE used under license from TidalWave Productions comic book and graphic novel publisher. The image, name and all related indicia of this character remain (c) and trademark TidalWave Productions, but the statistics and general writeup are free for you to use in your own games!